Testout pc pro 12.3.7
Testout pc pro 12.3.7testout pc pro 12.3.7

Course assignments are due no later than 11:59 pm on the date indicated (Sunday of each week).Please see the course syllabus on assessment information about how course grades are calculated.

testout pc pro 12.3.7

This is a way you can keep a running tally of your points and grade. To calculate your score add the total number of points possible for assignments and then divide your points earned by that number.

  • Your grades are shown in the TestOut- CITE 142-200 Introduction to Security Fundamentals -course (gradebook by point value.
  • As a general rule late work is not accepted. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain information concerning missed work and to see that it is completed and turned in. Illness and emergency related absences do not relieve students from the responsibility of making up any missed work.
  • Students who are unable to because of illness or emergency should personally contact their instructor.
  • Worksheets Assignments will be located and submitted in Canvas.
  • If you have questions about anything in the class including how your grades are being calculated, ASK.
  • Most assignments in this class will be submitted within the TestOut- CITE 142-200 Introduction to Security Fundamentals -course (Please follow the instructions for this course carefully and ask questions EARLY and OFTEN.
  • testout pc pro 12.3.7

  • Use " CANVAS INBOX Messages" to communicate with your instructor.
  • Due dates and times are Sundays no later than 11:59 pm.
  • testout pc pro 12.3.7

    So, each week, you will have a set of assignments due.

    Testout pc pro 12.3.7